

February 22, 2020 • Nelita Crawford

When we provide environments/space for people to heal and ultimately flourish we are providing one of the purest expressions of love.


February 15, 2020 • Nelita Crawford

To understand love and be able to extend it to the ones we love we must enter a sacred space with our creator where we are willing to explore ourselves with grace and compassion. This act of thoughtful deconstruction ultimately leads to an acceptance of how well we are loved by our Creator and allows us to transform ourselves and our relationships.

Give Space

February 8, 2020 • Ty Gibson

The best marriages are those in which each one's freedom and individuality are cherished. The surest way to kill love is to try to control it. The husband’s number one job is to protect the wife from his control, and the wife’s number one job is to protect the husband from her control.