
Worshipping in West Africa

September 21, 2018 • Brent Haggerty, Lead Pastor

The trip has been such an uplifting experience.

I’ve preached in 4 sessions on the last 3 days. Friday morning I teach the Lord’s Prayer Pattern and then close out the conference with an extended time of prayer.

The Lord’s Presence has been overwhelming in some of the sessions. The most memorable and over whelming were the two in which the delegates gathered at the front and ministered to the Presence of the Ascended Christ and today as they broke off Ancesteral Curses and declared Freedom in Christ. It was one of the most intense spiritual warfare prayers I have ever heard. They were encouraged to join in the battle led by the HS in the heavenlies! They went at it like fierce warriors in their attempt to drive back the darkness of this region! Powerful.