Wandering Heart April 2 Easter Week - He is Risen!
April 2, 2024 • 1 Corinthians 15:1–11, Luke 24:1–12
We hope you had a Blessed Easter and are enjoying Easter Week. Here is today's devotional. Take a few minutes each day to spend time with God in reflection and prayer for Lent as part of our Wandering Heart: Figuring out Faith with Peter series.
Theme: And I Hope
Centering practice - Center yourself in darkness and light. Light a candle. Honor the darkness and see how the light shines.
Question - What things, people, and events fill you with awe?
Prayer - Resurrecting God, Easter leaves me breathless. Easter leaves me speechless and hopeful, eager and awestruck. Easter tethers my wandering heart to you, as only awe can. So may every other moment of awe bring me back to you as well. May every starry night, first step, flower in spring, and sunrise bring me back to you—like muscle memory. I am speechless and hopeful, eager and awestruck. What a gift it is to be alive. Amen.
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