
Biblical Parenting

Biblical Parenting - Part 2

March 6, 2016 • Pastor Steve Gray

Frustration in our families comes from lack of submission to each other. We have to establish that we’re not going to argue over things that don’t matter. We also need to establish our lives to honor God and other people. Honoring people is what brings enjoyment in our lives because that’s how God treats us. Our children will get frustrated and rebel if we don’t train them in how life and God works. We should all have a lifestyle of continual submission and honor.

Biblical Parenting - Part 1

Pastor Steve Gray

Godliness has value in the eyes of God, and God is generous when we make Him happy. We should be having our family time with God. God is always going to be involved in our lives, and you should always be involved in the lives of your children. Godliness is the power advantage that brings authority. There’s a predetermined lifestyle set for us so that we know what we’re doing.