
J.R.R. Tolkien (John Ronald Reuel Tolkein) 1892-1973

Champions of the Church

January 26, 2023 • Dr. Jim Eckman

This Digging Deeper class with Dr. Jim Eckman focuses on the victorious Christ giving gifted people to the church for the "equipping of the saints for ministry." The series is titled, Champions of the Church.

Phoebe Palmer (1807-1874) - Mother of Holiness Movement

March 7, 2024 • Dr. Jim Eckman

This Digging Deeper class with Dr. Jim Eckman focuses on the victorious Christ giving gifted people to the church for the "equipping of the saints for ministry." The series is entitled, Champions of the Church.

Lyman Beecher (1775-1863) - Revival Leader in America

February 29, 2024 • Dr. Jim Eckman

This Digging Deeper class with Dr. Jim Eckman focuses on the victorious Christ giving gifted people to the church for the "equipping of the saints for ministry." The series is entitled, Champions of the Church.

Amy Beatrice Carmichael (1867-1951) - "Mother of India"

February 22, 2024 • Dr. Jim Eckman

This Digging Deeper class with Dr. Jim Eckman focuses on the victorious Christ giving gifted people to the church for the "equipping of the saints for ministry." The series is entitled, Champions of the Church.