
Peace on Earth Goodwill to Men


December 19, 2021

Christians sometimes can have more in common with the Grinch than with Jesus. Especially, during the most wonderful time of the year! This is the season that brought joy to all people, but we can be so offended because a cashier said “Happy Holidays!”
Grumpy, frustrated, and easily offended too often describes the people who follow the One who taught us to turn the other cheek. Jesus was born into a world that was so radically opposed to His way of life that it killed Him and yet He never seemed offended.
How do you and I learn to live like that? How can we make room at our table for those who think and live differently than we do…just like Jesus did?
What if this Christmas you gave others the same grace you’ve received? What could happen if you became Unoffendable?

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