
God's Limitless Love

God Loves Sinners Like Me part 5

March 6, 2022 • Dr. Roscoe Lilly

Many people have heard that God loves them, but honestly it can be hard to believe. Does God love me with my doubts? Does God love me with my imperfections? Does God love me with all of the things I’ve done?
One of the hardest concepts to grasp is just how deep God’s love is for us. The moment we start to believe it, something reminds us of all the reasons why God couldn’t love someone like us.
Sometimes we picture God being easily angered or just waiting to punish us for the slightest infraction. Who is the God who is slow to anger and rich in mercy? Who is the God that’s called the “friend of sinners”?
This February, we want to introduce you to the God who doesn’t just contain love, but is love. The God whose heart is for you, the God who wants you, the God who will never abandon you, the God who offers you a home in Him…the God who loves sinners like me!