
Not Like Us

Holier Than Thou part 4

July 24, 2022 • Dr. Roscoe Lilly

Have you ever felt like Christians have a bad habit of acting like they are better than everyone else? It can almost feel like they think they were born perfect.
To make matters worse, not only do they think they are holier than thou they seem to think they love Jesus more than even other Christians.
Is it possible that Jesus doesn’t feel the same way about their self-professing love? Is it possible to be too zealous for God?
Churches don’t mention it much, but our passion for following God can have a dark side. A dark side that pushes the very people Jesus loves away from Him. What if with the purest intentions you are accidentally coming across as Holier than Thou?
Join us this July and bring a friend who might have given up on church as we dig into our souls and look for pride, exclusivity, and overzealousness