
What’s the Best Evidence for the Reliability of the Old Testament?

May 23, 2024 • Amy Hall, Greg Koukl

What’s the best evidence for the historical reliability of the Old Testament? How do we know that what the Old Testament writers wrote back then is what we have today?

Does Greg subscribe to the idea of four independent Gospel accounts or something more like the two-source theory?

Why do you think the apostle Paul was commissioned to write so much of the New Testament explaining Christian theology when he wasn’t present for Jesus’ teachings during his earthly ministry? 

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How Do We Encourage Christians to Take on the Challenges of Our Day?

June 13, 2024 • Amy Hall, Greg Koukl

How do we encourage Christians who are prone to withdraw, to “let go and let God,” or otherwise bury their heads in the sand when they come up against any issue that is controversial or emotionally burdensome to get into the fight and take on the spiritual and ideological challenges of our day? Any suggestions for battling culture-induced melancholy in this depressing world where we seem to have few victories?

Is Church Just a Man-Made Way to Control People?

June 10, 2024 • Amy Hall, Greg Koukl

What do you say to an agnostic who believes the Bible and church are man-made and a way to control people who don’t want to think for themselves? How do you answer the claim that Christianity “might be true for you, but not for me”?

Is It Okay to Cover a Coworker’s Shift so They Can Officiate a Same-Sex Wedding?

June 6, 2024 • Amy Hall, Greg Koukl

Would it be wrong to knowingly cover a coworker’s shift so they can officiate a same-sex wedding? As a conservative Christian with a biblical worldview, should I feel guilty for working for a company whose work is transitioning to support sexual orientation, transgenderism, and gender identity?