Our Livestream services were down, this is an audio recording of the memorial service.
Wind, flame, prophetic visions, sudden fluency in all world languages--what do these things have in common? Come find out as we explore the first Pentecost recorded in Acts 2:1-21. The Spirit turned the world upside down on that day and continues to act in our current lives. How is the Spirit moving in your life, our congregation, and the world, and what are we going to do about it?
Matthew 25 tells us that we can honor God by doing what we can to help those who are experiencing turbulence in life. No matter where we are in our life we can all do something to be the disciples God wants us to be. We are never too young to do God’s work.
Dr. Vivek Murthy, the United States surgeon general, has declared that as a country we are experiencing an epidemic of loneliness. This is a surprise to no one because we are all feeling it, and yet, we have a hard time connecting with others in our over-connected world. This, in turn, makes us feel even more lonely and alone. When Jesus gathered around the table at the Last Supper with the disciples, he shared with them what they needed to do when they felt alone. And it wasn't a suggestion, it was a command: love one another. Love one another, and I will send the Advocate to be with you--always. Join us for worship as we explore the guidance of Jesus in John 14:15-21.
We read throughout Scripture that Jesus is the cornerstone of our faith and of our lives. In 1 Peter 2:2-10, we are challenged to let ourselves be living stones built into a spiritual house. How do stones live, and what does it mean for us to be living stones, built on Jesus as our cornerstone in God's house together?
We see a beautiful picture of the early church in our Scripture lesson for this week, Acts 2:42-47, one that challenges us as a church today. Is this vision of community something we can (or should) aspire to today? Our mission statement here at St. Andrews-Covenant Presbyterian is: "Inspiring one another to love Jesus by staying faithfully present in the community." How does what we do and aspire to do here compare to the vision of the early church? We will explore our mission statement and Acts 2:42-47 as conversation partners to inform our faith and life together today.
Resurrection constantly surrounds us, but do we let it surprise us? And when we see it, how do we recognize it? We will join the two people on the road to Emmaus in Luke 24:13-35 and discover how they recognized resurrection, and learn from them. Perhaps our "hearts will burn within us" when we gather for worship together!
Using Psalms 95: 1-7 and Hebrews 10:23-25 as our guide, the Bible exhorts us to participate in corporate worship every week--not just on special occasions. By doing so, we can praise and thank God, fellowship with other believers, encourage each other to do good works, be equipped and empowered for service, and experience a foretaste of heaven.
It really is true! Just as He said. Christ has risen! He is risen, indeed! Enjoy our Easter worship services.