
Stewardship Kick-off Video

Week 1

October 22, 2023

The pandemic of 2020 was a gut punch to all of us. In our lives, our jobs, our activities, and in our church home. The lack of connection was hard, especially here at church. Many new ways to do things came out of that event and are still seen across the world in business, our personal lives, and yes, even at churches. We also at this time, had the second gut punch. Our head of staff abruptly resigned, leaving us leaderless and trying to survive week to week. As the restrictions eased up, we started to be more present at church activities, slowly and cautiously. But we still needed to look for and find a permanent leader for our church. In 2022, we did and last November the congregation enthusiastically approved the hiring of Rev. Katie Harrington. Listen to some of our new and old members discuss how SACPC is moving from just surviving to thriving in 2024!