
With Your Apprenticeship Prayer Partners

Week of August 5, 2018

August 5, 2018

Every week we’ve been writing Apprenticeship Prayer Partner Questions that we encourage you to go through together in your A.P.P relationships. This week we encourage you to go through the accountability questions in the Apprenticeship Prayer Partner field guide and ask the Holy Spirit 2 questions: 1. What are areas of Small compromise that the Holy Spirit wants to cut off at the pass in my life through honest and vulnerable accountability in my relationships? 2. What questions would it be helpful for me to have an Apprenticeship Prayer Partner or trusted spiritual friend ask to keep me accountable on a regular basis? The Accountability Questions can be found on pages 16-20 of the Apprenticeship Prayer Partner Field Guide (click on attached link to access). You can also get your hard copy on Sunday mornings at the information kiosk.