
Awaken Fall Retreat


November 26 - 28, 2021

What if God was doing something big in the world, and He wanted you to be a part of it? What if we told you that’s not just something that sounds good, but it’s actually true? But here’s the thing. We can go our whole lives and not even be aware of what God is up to. We can live in a state of auto pilot where life just happens to us. Almost like we live our whole lives asleep. But God wants to awaken your soul! He wants to wake you up to the reality that He is good, merciful and loving, and wants to use you and me to advance His Kingdom in this broken world. Join us November 26-28, 2021 as we head to Camp Nakamun for loads of fun, making new friends and giving space for God to wake your soul to the life you were always meant to live! Registration is Required Cost: $120