
Attack on Christianity...Part 2

February 8, 2018 • David Howard

Christians are being systematically persecuted by various political segments in the federal, state, and local governments, along with secular progressive principalities like the press and ACLU. Their goal? To dominate and diminish Christian influence in our culture. If nothing changes, persecution will only grow. It's time for Christians to stand up for religious freedom―but how? In Attack on Christianity: 10 Strategies Christ Used to Fight the Culture War, Montana state senator David M. Howard calls and equips American Christians to engage in our increasingly hostile culture. He begins by laying out the progressive principalities' dependence on lies and their irrational attacks on the Bible, Christ, and absolute truth. He then highlights ten strategies Christ used to engage in the culture war while He walked on earth, strategies that demonstrate the need to unite in prayer, tactics, and public action for God's glory. Through examining Christ's strategies, we are transformed from uninformed and uninvolved to front-line Christians. We learn to motivate and embolden the body of Christ to put on the whole armor of God and speak boldly as Christ's ambassadors into the marketplace of ideas. Attack on Christianity asserts that our survival as a Christian nation depends on us waking up and taking on a more public role by speaking life through the Spirit of Truth into our culture's darkness. Consequently, we secure our descendants the same invaluable gift our forefathers gave us through God's providence―the full freedom to live in Christ's liberty and practice our Christian faith. Attack on Christianity motivates Christians toward involvement while answering the oft-asked question “What can we do?”

25 Messianic Signs In Israel Today...Part 2

February 28, 2018 • Noah Hutchings

The foremost of all Bible prophecies concerning the end of the age and the return of Jesus Christ has been the refounding of Israel as a nation on May 14, 1948, and the return of the Jews from all nations wherein they have been scattered. Dr. Hutchings has led 56 tours to Israel, and he has gathered proof that there are 25 biblical signs in Israel today that prove beyond doubt that these are the last days, and Jesus is coming soon. Gilla Treibich, Brother Hutchings' Jewish guide, documents that everything in this book is absolutely true as reported. We believe that this is the best-documented prophetic book in publication today.

25 Messianic Signs In Israel Today...Part 1

February 27, 2018 • Noah Hutchings

The foremost of all Bible prophecies concerning the end of the age and the return of Jesus Christ has been the refounding of Israel as a nation on May 14, 1948, and the return of the Jews from all nations wherein they have been scattered. Dr. Hutchings has led 56 tours to Israel, and he has gathered proof that there are 25 biblical signs in Israel today that prove beyond doubt that these are the last days, and Jesus is coming soon. Gilla Treibich, Brother Hutchings' Jewish guide, documents that everything in this book is absolutely true as reported. We believe that this is the best-documented prophetic book in publication today.

The True Identity Of Mystery Babylon

February 26, 2018 • BILL SALUS Joel Richardson

Mystery Babylon Debate Join two world class prophecy teachers, Joel Richardson and Bill Salus, in a historic debate of biblical proportions. Where is “The Great Harlot” city of Revelation 17-18? Is it the city of Mecca or Rome? Should prophecy watchers look to the central city of Islam in the heart of Saudi Arabia or should we look to the capital of Roman Catholicism in Italy? Will Satan use the religion of Islam as the foundation for his final great deception or will apparitions of “The Queen Of Heaven” and Roman Catholic eucharistic miracles be used to lead the inhabitants of the world astray? Answers to these and many more questions are provided in this timely and enlightening debate. This event was held in the historic battle town of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, November 4, 2017. Join these two leading prophetic voices for three hours of enlightening discussion