
Things Jesus Never Said

You don't need to forgive them.

May 30, 2021 • William Attaway

Imagine with me for a minute if you got an email saying that you had an appointment scheduled for you with Jesus. One hour, in person, just the two of you. What do you think He would say to you? Many people hope Jesus would say "You don't need to forgive them." But... is this really something Jesus would say to you? Like, comment & subscribe to stay updated with the latest! FOLLOW Southview on social media: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/southview​​ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/southviewch... Website: https://www.southview.org/​

You Get What You Deserve

May 22, 2021 • William Attaway

Go do what makes you happy.

May 16, 2021 • William Attaway

You want to be happy and so do I, so Jesus must want that for us too... right? Join us weekend for week 4 of our new series, Things Jesus Never Said, Saturday 7pm and Sunday 10am.

You missed my will for your life.

May 9, 2021 • William Attaway

Imagine with me for a minute if you got an email saying that you had an appointment scheduled for you with Jesus. One hour, in person, just the two of you. What do you think He would say to you? Many people think due to a few wrong turns, Jesus would tell them that they have missed His will for their life, but is this really something Jesus would say?

I'm so disappointed in you.

May 2, 2021 • William Attaway

Imagine with me for a minute if you got an email saying that you had an appointment scheduled for you with Jesus. One hour, in person, just the two of you. What do you think He would say to you? Many people think Jesus would talk about how disappointed He is with them, but is this really something Jesus would say?