
The Bible for Grown-Ups

God has not forgotten you.

April 24, 2021 • William Attaway

Does it feel like you've been abandoned by God? After listening to this message, I hope you can trust that God is working in your life - even when you don't see it.

Your failures don't define you.

April 17, 2021 • William Attaway

Feeling like a failure? Keep reading. It's time to start seeing yourself the way God sees you. God knows every single thing about you. Everything you’ve ever done. Every word you’ve ever spoken or even thought. Everything. And He loves you more than you can imagine.

Are you feeling lost?

April 10, 2021 • William Attaway

If you're feeling lost, I'm so glad you're reading this. Jesus is seeking you out so He can overwrite the soundtracks you’ve been listening to in your mind. He's speaking a new soundtrack, words of hope and a future.


April 3, 2021 • William Attaway

Join us this Easter as we kick off a brand new series that we're calling, The Bible for Grown-Ups. As children, many of us received a leather-covered book full of long words and difficult names we couldn’t pronounce. We were told everything in it was true and we should do our best to abide by its teachings. Then we grew up. What was oh-so-simple then is…well, it’s not simple. Perhaps that’s because we were taught Bible stories but not the story of the Bible.