
Part 1

September 22, 2019 • Tim Rives

Do you feel outpaced, behind, tired, discouraged, like you can’t keep up? Do you feel buried by all of the busy in your life? Most of us end up living so busy it actually begins to bury what is most important in our lives. You want to get this right—find out how.

Part 2

September 29, 2019 • Tim Rives

While most of us feel busier than ever— increasingly letting the most important things in life slip by in the periphery while we perform the rote tasks that comprise our daily grind— it’s also true that we live during a unique period of history in which an unprecedented number of people are able to devote more time and resources than ever before to satisfying their appetites for fun, leisure, and entertainment. And yet, hardly anybody would say they’ve found these pursuits satisfying. So, how can we find meaning in our incredibly busy, endlessly entertaining lives? Jesus provides a counterintuitive answer in the parable of the rich fool.