
The Ascension

Sunday, April 8, 2018

April 8, 2018 • Brian Gosser

Luke continues his investigative report of the life of Jesus by recording the ascension of Christ and the commissioning of the disciples to be his
witnesses to all ends of the earth. As Christ followers we have been given
that same commissioning.

High Priorities

April 29, 2018 • Brian Gosser

As the Church sprung into existence at Pentecost it committed itself to practices & priorities that lead to God’s continual blessing. The contemporary church should embrace these same practices & priorities to see the same blessings.

The First Sermon

April 22, 2018 • Brian Gosser

Peter stood with confidence and proclaimed the Gospel. We should follow his example and be willing to share our faith through our words and our life example.

The Promised Gift

April 15, 2018 • Brian Gosser

The disciples modeled many attributes that the modern church can learn from including their patient obedience to Jesus’s commands.