
First Principles

Bible Study Series

Introduction & Teacher Tips

Timeline (Seeking God)

Understand their spiritual journey up to now & work towards studying the Bible regularly.


Establish the Bible as the standard for our lives.


Matthew 28:18–20

Establishing the standard of following Jesus.

Sin (Darkness)

Galatians 5:19–21, 1 Peter 2:9–10

Understanding sin and its consequences. Reference: Appendix A


Personalizing Jesus' sacrifice on the cross. Reference: Appendix B | Medical Account of the Cross Video Resources: Medically, what was it like for Jesus to be Crucified? We take Dr. Truman Davis' medical account to help you understand the agonizing weekend of the cross, and highlight Jesus' incredible love. Produced by Keydogo The Cross (Dramatic Production) An award-winning short film telling the most important story ever told through the eyes of those intimately around the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus. Produced by Kingdom News Network. Writers: Roger and Marcia Lamb | Screenplay: Lance Tracy and Pat Dade | Producers: Roger Lamb and Barbara Kraft | Director: Lance Tracy | Shown around the world. Winner: Telly and Aurora Awards, NY International Independent Film Festival


To understand and commit to God's biblical plan of salvation. Video Resource: Do you need to get baptized to be saved? Reasonable Conversation | Necessary for Salvation? - Two guys use the Bible to discuss whether baptism really is necessary for salvation. What do you think?


Acts 2:42–47

To understand God's one church and our role in it.

Cost (Lordship)

Solidify final decision to make Jesus Lord of their life and be baptized.


To define God’s Kingdom biblically as the reign and rule of God and how it relates to us today.

Prepared To Answer (Sound Doctrine)

1 Peter 3:15–16

Additional resources for the Salvation & Doctrine studies. Video Resources: The Bible's Indisputable Historical Accuracy Can we trust the Bible historically? Judging by the eye-witness accounts, the reliability of the manuscripts, and how the apostles lived after Jesus' crucifixion, it becomes pretty clear we can!


Falling in love with God again and restoration with the church.

Holy Spirit

Biblically defining the Holy Spirit. Make clear how the Holy Spirit is still alive and active today.


To establish conviction about sound doctrine and to be prepared to stand against false doctrine.

Jesus Study [Part I]

Mark 1:21–34

To discover the various qualities of the life and character of Jesus in the gospel of Mark.