
The Gospels - The Reign & Rule of the Creator - Empty Yourself for a Thin Place - Luke 18

Parables - The Stories of Jesus

January 31, 2021 • Todd Zeiler

Many thanks to the Bible Project

Richard Rohr
The earlier centuries of Christianity were much closer to the trans-rational (going beyond human reason or the rational) world of Jesus and his storytelling style of teaching (which does not lend itself to dogmatic or systematic theology). The Gospel says, “He would never speak to them except in parables” (Matthew 13:34). The indirect, metaphorical, symbolic language of a story or parable seems to be Jesus’ preferred way of teaching spiritual realities.

Almost all of Jesus’ parables begin with the same phrase: “The Reign (rule) of God is like. . . .” Jesus fully knows he is speaking in metaphor, simile, story, and symbol. But in recent centuries, many Christians have not granted him that freedom, and thus we miss or avoid many of his major messages. We are much the poorer for it.

The Gospels - The Reign & Rule of the Creator - His stories End with The Story

April 4, 2021 • Todd Zeiler

Many thanks to the Bible Project https://bibleproject.com/podcast/purpose-parables/ Richard Rohr The earlier centuries of Christianity were much closer to the trans-rational (going beyond human reason or the rational) world of Jesus and his storytelling style of teaching (which does not lend itself to dogmatic or systematic theology). The Gospel says, “He would never speak to them except in parables” (Matthew 13:34). The indirect, metaphorical, symbolic language of a story or parable seems to be Jesus’ preferred way of teaching spiritual realities. Almost all of Jesus’ parables begin with the same phrase: “The Reign (rule) of God is like. . . .” Jesus fully knows he is speaking in metaphor, simile, story, and symbol. But in recent centuries, many Christians have not granted him that freedom, and thus we miss or avoid many of his major messages. We are much the poorer for it.

The Gospels - The Reign & Rule of the Creator - Riding in Upside Down! Luke 19 & 20

March 28, 2021 • Todd Zeiler

Many thanks to the Bible Project https://bibleproject.com/podcast/purpose-parables/ Richard Rohr The earlier centuries of Christianity were much closer to the trans-rational (going beyond human reason or the rational) world of Jesus and his storytelling style of teaching (which does not lend itself to dogmatic or systematic theology). The Gospel says, “He would never speak to them except in parables” (Matthew 13:34). The indirect, metaphorical, symbolic language of a story or parable seems to be Jesus’ preferred way of teaching spiritual realities. Almost all of Jesus’ parables begin with the same phrase: “The Reign (rule) of God is like. . . .” Jesus fully knows he is speaking in metaphor, simile, story, and symbol. But in recent centuries, many Christians have not granted him that freedom, and thus we miss or avoid many of his major messages. We are much the poorer for it.

The Gospels - The Reign & Rule of the Creator - Stinky Grapes - Mt 21

March 21, 2021 • Todd Zeiler

Many thanks to the Bible Project https://bibleproject.com/podcast/purpose-parables/ Richard Rohr The earlier centuries of Christianity were much closer to the trans-rational (going beyond human reason or the rational) world of Jesus and his storytelling style of teaching (which does not lend itself to dogmatic or systematic theology). The Gospel says, “He would never speak to them except in parables” (Matthew 13:34). The indirect, metaphorical, symbolic language of a story or parable seems to be Jesus’ preferred way of teaching spiritual realities. Almost all of Jesus’ parables begin with the same phrase: “The Reign (rule) of God is like. . . .” Jesus fully knows he is speaking in metaphor, simile, story, and symbol. But in recent centuries, many Christians have not granted him that freedom, and thus we miss or avoid many of his major messages. We are much the poorer for it.