

Rom. 1:18 (fn. 5) - 21 (fn. 1)

September 13, 2021

Rom. 1:18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven upon all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who hold down the truth in unrighteousness,

Footnote 5:
8,5) the - The truth here refers to the first true thing, the first reality, concerning man and God in the universe. This reality is the sure fact that God and His existence are proved by the creation, and it is the definite fact that men, being without excuse, can know God by the creation. This great reality, this great truth, should cause men to know God and thereby to glorify Him and thank Him (v. 21). However, instead of dealing properly with this reality, this truth, according to righteousness, in which God delights, men held down the truth in unrighteousness, which God hates, and did not approve of knowing God (v. 28). Therefore, they despised and rejected God, changing the glory of God into idols (vv. 21-23) and casting off self-restraint to fall without limit (vv. 24-32), so that they were given up, abandoned, by God (vv. 24, 26, 28).

Rom. 1:19 Because that which is known of God is manifest within them, for God manifested it to them.

Footnote 1:
19,1) within - Or, among.

Rom. 1:20 For the invisible things of Him, both His eternal power and divine characteristics, have been clearly seen since the creation of the world, being perceived by the things made, so that they would be without excuse;

Footnotes 1-2:
20,1) divine - Gk. theiotes, denoting God’s attributes, which are the special features, the characteristics, as the outward manifestations of God’s nature or substance. It is different from theotes in Col. 2:9, which denotes God’s Godhead and person. The characteristics of God’s nature can be verified through the created things; however, the created things cannot manifest God’s Godhead and person. Only the living person of Jesus Christ, the Word who is God and who declares God (John 1:1, 18), can express God’s Godhead and person, that is, the very God, God Himself. Here, in this chapter, the apostle Paul speaks of the created things verifying God’s existence, but what is verified are only the attributes and characteristics of God. In Col. 2:9 he speaks of Christ as the embodiment of God, and what is expressed is the Godhead and God’s person, that is, God Himself.

20,2) being - Man can perceive the invisible things of God by observing the visible things created by Him. Both the eternal power of God and the divine characteristics that express God’s intrinsic nature are manifested in God’s creation. For example, the abundance of light in the universe shows that light is a divine characteristic, a divine attribute of the divine nature (James 1:17). The same is true of beauty and life.

Rom. 1:21 Because though they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God or thank Him, but rather became vain in their reasonings, and their heart, lacking understanding, was darkened.

Footnote 1:
21,1) they - In this chapter Paul’s presentation of God’s creation and man’s step-by-step fall is undoubtedly based on the historical facts as recorded in Gen.1— 19 and in subsequent books of the Old Testament. First, vv. 19-20 speak concerning God’s creation; then vv. 21-25 cover the fall of Adam and progress through the age of the flood to the worshipping of idols at Babel. Verses 26-27 progress further, from Babel to the shameful lusts of Sodom, and vv. 28-32 go on from Sodom to every kind of wickedness in the Old Testament time.

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