
Life Reimagined: Caring for our Bodies

October 30, 2022 • Pastor Tammy Long • 1 Corinthians 6:19–20

In this series on Life Reimagined, we have seen how our resources, relationships, and caring for the earth can accomplish God’s mission to reconcile, reunite, and restore the brokenness of this world. As Pastor Stan Long shared with us last week, we are to be the embodiment of the Kingdom of God. God has given us all the resources we need to fulfill God’s mission. We live a life reimagined in alignment with God’s vision for us. In worship, we move our bodies. In this message, we will focus on the resources of our bodies in three parts. First, we will meditate on our scriptural text to listen to what God says about our bodies. Then, we will consider an interview with a fitness trainer to help us become better doers of the Word. Lastly, we will have a special time of prayer for anyone in need of healing in their bodies.

Life Reimagined: A Thank Offering

November 20, 2022 • Pastor Tammy Long • Romans 12:1–2

In this message, we wrap up our series on what it means to live a Life Reimagined. This is a life where, as stewards of the King, we are trusting in the promises of God, to deploy the resources of God, and to accomplish the mission of God for the glory of God. There is much more to a Life Reimagined than this stewardship definition we have been repeating for the past 8 weeks. A Life Reimagined is a life transformed that is radically different from how it was before. There is a cost to living a Life Reimagined. It doesn’t just happen, because ultimately, we have the decision to make to give a Thank Offering. A Thank Offering decision is a sacrifice given to God in thanksgiving for God’s faithfulness for the wonderful things God has done. Thank Offerings keep on giving thanks with your entire life, not just with words. Thank Offerings are also embodied in deeds, vows, promises, and subsequent actions.

Life Reimagined: My Faith My Life

November 6, 2022 • Minister Ashley Watson • Genesis 50:19–21

Our Director of Youth Ministry Pastor Ashley Watson continues our series on Life Reimagined with a personal story from her experience as a basketball trainer for an after-school program for elementary and middle school students. One of her students shoots the basketball with an unconventional underhanded shot, while still following the basic mechanics essential to basketball shooting. This is an example of how individuals even on their spiritual journey, have different ways to exercise their faith, different trials they go through, and different decisions they make. As a result, the journey toward realizing God’s calling on each of our lives is often different. There are some instances where you need to let a person live their life the way they need to and trust that God is still directing their path even though you may not like it. We need to trust God in the different processes God has for us.

Life Reimagined: Stewarding God's Truth

November 15, 2022 • Reverend Harry Cox • Mark 7:6–13

We continue our journey for a Life Reimagined because we are created for a good, beautiful, and exceedingly abundant life as stewards in God’s Kingdom. In this message, we are looking at another resource God has entrusted to us: sharing the truth of God’s Word. This is a hot topic for today because Christian Nationalism in the United States has been highlighted in media coverage of recent events. The messages of some Christian Nationalists have been prominent in supporting, participating in, or enabling several troubling current events responding to a fear of a decline in Protestant power in the government. Examples of such events have included the violent Washington D.C. attack on January 6th, and most recently, the attack on the husband of Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. The list goes on. Protestant Nationalism in its connection with such events has not presented the biblical truth from the Words and Life of Jesus Christ. The Nationalism Movement has co-opted Christianity in the service of ethnic-cultural national power. They call themselves Christian and have religious fervor, but erroneously through their traditions distort the truth of God’s Word. The remnant people of God, who follow the truth of God’s Word, must correct distortions of God’s commands, even from those with religious fervor.