
The Incredible Journey: Disciple (Part 2)

November 14, 2021 • Pastor Tammy Long • John 4:27–40

:In this sermon series, we have been on The Incredible Journey of the 4 D’s of Deliberate Discipleship. In this message, we will conclude the series with Part 2 of the last D - Disciples making other Disciples. To review, we looked at the D of Discover both discovering who God is and who we are. Then we looked at the D of Deepen, about deepening our relationship with the Trinity, and with one another. Third, we looked at the D of Develop, about growing into our gifts, talents, skills, and abilities for which God has prepared in advance to do His work. Last week, we began looking at the D of Disciple, for we are disciples who are to go and make other disciples. We will continue to use these 4 D’s as our discipleship framework, internalize these D’s, and incorporate them intentionally in our spiritual journey...."

The Incredible Journey: Disciple (Part 1)

November 7, 2021 • Pastor Tammy Long • Matthew 9:35–38

"Our sermon series on the 4 D’s of Discipleship continues as we explore God’s calling us to be disciples making other disciples. We can bring to mind and hold in our heart someone we know who needs to meet Jesus - either meeting Jesus for the first time or meeting Jesus again afresh. See them in your mind’s eye coming to Jesus and being enveloped by His love. Feel it deep in your heart how much you want them to know the love of Jesus. The Lord calls us to share His hope, His light, His love with the world. People need others to walk alongside them to help point the way when they are ready. These disciples are those who have not given up on them, are willing to get messy with them along the way, and are willing to walk alongside however long it takes. People need the Lord! We are apprentices that Jesus is developing into disciples making other disciples..."

The Incredible Journey: Develop

October 31, 2021 • Pastor Tammy Long • Luke 2:52, Matthew 7:28–29, Mark 3:13–15, Ephesians 2:10

"We develop under the watchful eye of loving parents and God. Today is Halloween, with children going door to door in costume. Even if our parents let us go out on our own, they still inspected the treats collected, since the world can be dangerous. Our parents let out the net, little by little, and we were able to experience new things and grow. Some of us regularly attended Church Sunday School. Hearing the stories of God, learning truths of scripture, and experiencing rites of passage are all parts of the incredible journey to Develop, the next D in the 4D of Deliberate Discipleship. “Jesus grew in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and all the people” (Luke 2:52)..."

The Incredible Journey - Deepen (Part 2)

October 24, 2021 • Reverend Doctor Stanley Long • Judges 7:1–8

In 1985, less than 10 of us met and decided that God wanted us to start a church. It was for us a defining moment. Defining moments are those times when we are faced with hardship, heartache, crisis, or challenge that shapes our direction and focus from that moment on. At the defining moment, we also clearly see what is most important. Today, we celebrate our 36th anniversary as a church, and the world, as we knew it, has vastly changed. It is a world much like the biblical story of a man named Gideon. Our church is now 36, so now what - Is this another defining moment? Let’s explore God’s call in a defining moment to deepen our relationships with each other.