
Expect the Unexpected: Heart and Soul

December 4, 2022 • Pastor Tammy Long • Luke 1:26–38

We experience wonder, awe, and mystery when God does something completely unexpected and then invites us to join what God is doing. We may feel unqualified, not prepared, and a little scared. We may be even teetering on the fence between believing or not believing that God is truly asking this of us and leading us to do something. Our response may be a request for God to ask someone else more qualified, more accomplished, more mature, more youthful, and energetic, and the list of examples of our responses goes on. We may say, "I am not ready; this is not the right time; I am not the one; please ask someone else." Some unexpected surprises are purely for us, because they are blessings God wants us to experience because God loves us. God also sends unexpected surprises that are assignments and opportunities for good works. God has prepared us to do works as part of our purpose and calling from God. Now we see how God chose Mary for a specific purpose. Mary accepted the call with childlike faith, a willing heart, and a soul on fire.

Expect the Unexpected: The Rest of the Story

December 18, 2022 • Pastor Tammy Long • Luke 2:21–40

Expect the Unexpected: Go & Do Likewise

December 11, 2022 • Pastor Tammy Long • Luke 2:1–20

As we continue with our series, “Expect the Unexpected,” we revisit the story of Jesus’ birth. We have reached the point where angels sang a Christmas carol on a night that catches the attention of people with extra bright stars in the sky. In Luke’s historical account, God’s promised gift is about to arrive in the most unexpected way, in the most unexpected place, and among the most unexpected witnesses. God loves to surprise us with the unexpected. We continue to look for the ways God is surprising us every day. Likewise, God is inviting us to do something unexpected for someone else out of love.

Expect the Unexpected: It's Not Over Until ...

November 27, 2022 • Pastor Tammy Long • Luke 1:5–25

As followers of Jesus, we never want to forget the reason for the season. The season we call Advent literally means coming. We are reliving, anticipating, and celebrating Jesus’ first coming. His first coming was a big surprise. The prophet Isaiah foretold Jesus’ coming. It was prophesied 600 years before and fulfilled when Jesus actually came. When Jesus did come, it was a glorious, expected, yet also unexpected surprise. God loves to surprise us. We think it’s over, done, never going to happen; then a door we never saw coming opens wide, and God says, okay it’s go time. Surprise! The Advent account, the coming of Jesus, and just about everything surrounding his birth was expected through prophecy, but unexpected in reality. Surprise! Over the next few messages, as we wait and prepare for the coming of Jesus, we are going to relive the story. We will experience the truth afresh that we serve God who loves to surprise us. There are God's surprises every day; many go right over our heads. Let us give God a praise offering for God’s wonderful, unexpected surprises!