
Chosen: Come & See

February 5, 2023 • Pastor Tammy Long • John 1:35–40

This is the beginning of a new sermon series we are calling Chosen. Christianity is not about religion, but a relationship with Jesus. It’s ALL about Jesus. The truth is, everything in the Old Testament points forward to Jesus, and everything in the New Testament points back to Jesus. Jesus is not only the center of our joy; Jesus is the center of it All! But before we can experience the joy of a relationship with Jesus, there’s the matter of choosing and the matter of being chosen. In other words, first, there is an invitation and then there is a decision. The key phrases for the disciples and for us are: “What do you want?” and “Come and see.”

More from Chosen

Chosen: Jesus Invites...

March 26, 2023 • Pastor Tammy Long • John 3:16, Luke 9:23–25

Let’s recap what we have learned so far in the sermon series called Chosen: (1) Jesus knows our name and invites us to come and see; (2) The Lord offers true Sabbath rest for our souls with Jesus and in Jesus; (3) We are cherished children of God deeply loved by Jesus. (4) The Lord will provide for our needs as we seek first the Kingdom of God. To be chosen by Jesus means so much more. So far, we have been examining what it means to be chosen by Jesus; in this message, we will look at what it means for us to choose Jesus in return. To be chosen means that Jesus offers an invitation to live a good, beautiful, and abundant life with Him. Will we accept and choose Jesus in return? The choice is ours, and the choice has costs.

Chosen: The Lord Will Provide

March 19, 2023 • Pastor Tammy Long • Philippians 4:19

We are glad that some of you are enjoying the sermon series, Chosen. The Chosen media series feels biblically true; even though some may not be directly stated in the Bible. The writers have developed the story line to put us in the biblical time and place with Jesus. It provides us additional insight regarding Jesus, including His person, ways, manner, character, culture, and humanity. This media series invites us to deepen our love for Jesus because the incarnate Jesus is the embodiment of God’s love. Jesus chooses us to be His friends, His family, and His partners on a mission. Jesus invites us to choose Jesus in return. In that invitation Jesus does not force it, demand it, or force us to accept it. Recapping what it means to be chosen so far: (1) Jesus knows our name and invites us to come and see; (2) The Lord offers true Sabbath rest for our souls with Jesus and in Jesus; (3) We are cherished children of God deeply loved by Jesus. In this message, we will explore that to be chosen means how Jesus provides for our needs.

Chosen and Cherished Children

March 5, 2023 • Pastor Tammy Long • Mark 10:13–16

We are continuing with our series, Chosen, as we draw closer to Easter. The big idea is for us to gain a fresh appreciation of the truth that Jesus has chosen us, so we may experience a deeper desire to choose Jesus day by day and moment by moment. So far in this Chosen series, we have considered that to be chosen means Jesus knows us by name, and Jesus invites us to come and see Him as we draw closer. Then we considered that to be chosen means we can find true rest for our souls, a Sabbath rest with Jesus and in Jesus. In this message, we will consider what it means to be chosen and cherished children deeply loved by Jesus.