Back to the Future: Soul Friends

January 28, 2024 • Minister Douglas Ericsson • Hebrews 10:24–25

We are continuing our mini-series, “Back to the Future,” with the idea that sometimes we must go back in order to go forward. God’s basics are a firm foundation that we must revisit wherever God is leading us in the future. In this message, we are looking at Soul Friends in Community. When we think of friendship we think of hanging out together, enjoying someone you know well and whose company you appreciate. Friends share mutual affection and intimacy usually based on shared interests. It generally involves two people who trust each other. What is distinct about a soul friend? A soul friend is a kind of friendship that is centered around concern for one another’s soul – that is, who we are in the depth of our being, the real person we are on the inside. To be a soul friend is to meet each other as the unique individual we are before God, as the whole person that we are, not just our outward presentation. A "Soul Friend" relationship is based upon our personal connection with Jesus Christ. Jesus is at the center of a soul friendship under the leadership of the Word of God and the Holy Spirit. This friendship seeks to help each other live fully in Christ. Supporting each other’s life in Christ is the goal of soul friends. Christ alone is our salvation; Jesus Christ is our justification, so we no longer seek to justify ourselves. This surrender of our own power, ability, and goodness to be right with God and others is how we come to faith. It is how we continue in our walk. It is also how we engage with our Christian brethren. God’s intent from the very beginning is that we live in community. Just as when God created humanity through Adam and Eve, God said, “It is not good to be alone” (Genesis 2:18). Beyond marriage, we need soul friends in the community of faith.