
What Mama Wants

May 9, 2021 • Reverend Stanley Long

We receive lots of marketing efforts telling us what mothers want for Mother’s Day, from slippers to coffee pots and everything in between. Moms deserve affirmation, affection, attention, and acknowledgment. Psalms 23 asserts, “my cup overflows.” What Moms really want for themselves and their offspring are cups overflowing with joy. The reality today is that overflowing cups are being overshadowed by overwhelming challenges. Instead, God wants your cup to be overflowing with His goodness...

Do You Want to Be Well?

May 30, 2021 • Minister Douglas Ericsson

This sermon concludes the series on Mental Health Matters. We know that our Lord is present in all of our life challenges. This past year has been particularly demanding on our mental health, contributing to more trauma, isolation, fear, anxiety, depression, stress eating, and a multitude of mental health struggles. These realities have been ever-present throughout the centuries. Today, we will examine a biblical account which involves healing of a physical ailment and also goes much deeper into one’s very soul. We will also examine our own circumstances to consider how we might also be healed...

Pentecost Changed Everything

May 23, 2021 • Pastor Tammy Long

On this Pentecost Sunday, the Holy Spirit rains down a fresh anointing, a fresh baptism, a fresh experience of the power and presence of the Holy Spirit of God. We celebrate the birth of God’s church that changes history. Similar to the precious birth of an infant, the birth of God’s church is filled with potential, possibilities, a purpose, and a plan. The gift of the Holy Spirit has been part of God’s story from the beginning of time. Pentecost Sunday initiates a special outpouring of the Holy Spirit that changes everything forever...

Facing Depression

May 16, 2021 • Pastor Tammy Long

What is so pervasive that it has been called the common cold of mental health challenges? Depression is a challenge that is faced by one out of six adults in their lifetime. Depression has been faced by many biblical characters and leaders today.. Like anxiety, depression manifests on a continuum from general sadness to clinical depression, with multiple causes including biological, psychological, and social origins. Let’s listen to David in Psalm 22, someone who went through the process from the pain of depression to a healed state of mind...