
When God is Silent...

Esther-Week 1

April 10, 2021 • Pastor Chris Cassis

How do you respond when God appears to be distant? When God does not seem to be answering your prayers and you can’t hear His voice. Has God forgotten about you? Is God punishing you? These are all questions we ask when God appears to be quiet. But let’s not mistake God’s silence for his absence. God often accomplishes his purpose in the foreground by working in the background. In this message Pastor Chris teaches that when God is Silent, He is still present!

More from Esther

When God Promotes

June 13, 2021 • Erik Pluemer

What does it mean to be a leader? It is a common term used because everyone wants the label of it, without putting in the work for it. God’s promotions always come with a process. Jesus taught the first will be last and the last will be first. In this message Pastor Erik preaches that God’s promotions are not about people serving us, but learning to serve others.

It's Time To Celebrate

June 5, 2021 • Pastor Chris Cassis

It is essential in life to enjoy times of refreshment and celebrating. That is what the Jews did when Esther led them to establish the Feast of Purim. God established several holidays throughout the bible, which involved feasting and celebration to remind people of His miraculous acts. Although the people continued feasting, they quickly forgot the meaning of these holidays. In this message Pastor Chris teaches that these events were less about the ritual to revere and more about a person to worship!

When You Need A Turn Around

May 29, 2021 • Pastor Chris Cassis

God is a God of reversals. When Satan attacks, it’s God who can change things suddenly. For Christians, the good news is that He has the final say and we never have to live a threatened life. In this message Pastor Chris teaches what Satan steals from you, God can return back to you!