

#Blessed-Week 10

August 29, 2021 • Pastor Erik Pluemer • Matthew 5:11

Can I be Holy and Happy at the same time? We often think that God wants to ruin our happiness. Let’s admit it, sin is fun or we would not do it, and God is against sin. But does it need to be this way? Jesus tells us that to be blessed is to be happy. In this message Pastor Erik teaches true happiness comes when we experience true holiness with Jesus!

More from #Blessed

Blessed are the Persecuted!

August 22, 2021 • Josh Carbonell • Matthew 5:10

We don’t really experience persecution in the United States for being a Christian, or do we? Persecution comes in a variety of different ways. In other countries you can lose your life for being a Christian. In the U.S you can lose friends, be insulted, or mocked. The truth is, if you are living for Jesus your life is going to look different than the rest of the world. It can be lonely and hard to be different, especially when we want to fit in. Jesus teaches that the blessed are those who are persecuted on account of me. In this message our worship director asks the question, “if your life does not look different from the rest of the world, then are you really living for Jesus”?

Blessed Are The Peacemakers!

August 15, 2021 • Pastor Erik Pluemer • Matthew 5:9

We all want peace in our lives. Jesus tells us that it is a blessing to be a peacemaker. But how do you experience peace in the midst of chaos? How do you experience peace in the middle of a storm? Blessed are the PeaceMakers for they shall be called the sons of God Matthew 5:9. In this message Pastor Erik Pluemer teaches Jesus offers us inner peace despite our outward circumstances.

Blessed Are The Pure Of Heart!

August 8, 2021 • Elder Daniel Arteta • Matthew 5:8

We all need a heart check at different times in our lives. Jesus tells us that it is a blessing to show love at all times to everyone, but that is not always easy to do. Especially when people take advantage of us. We often want to believe our intentions and the motives in our actions are pure. But are they really? Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see the face of God! MATTHEW 5:8 In this message Daniel Arteta teaches that God wants to give us a brand new heart if we will submit our old one to Him.