
Apply Bug Spray (Pt 3)

The By-Products of an Anointed Life

June 20, 2021

The number one repellent of the flies in this world is the anointing with fresh oil - it’s like spiritual “bug spray!” The anointing kills all of the flies of this life and every attack of the devil. In this message, you'll be reminded to anoint yourself with oil every day!

S'mores (Pt 8)

July 25, 2021

Did you know the summer highlight of eating "S'mores" has a powerful spiritual lesson? Check it out and get ready to pray this simple prayer to be "S'more like Jesus!"

Stay Cool In The Furnace (Pt 7)

July 18, 2021

You know you are mature when you are in a hot place and people are getting upset and angry, but you are the one who can keep your cool. Jesus was right there with Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, even in the fire. Find out what can happen when you are in a tense situation, and by God's grace - you keep your cool.

Enjoy The Rainy Days (Pt 6)

July 11, 2021

When our praise goes up, God sends the rain down. It is by our expression of worship that we usher in God’s presence. It’s our praise that invites the Holy Spirit. It’s when we lift our voices, lift our hands, bow our knees … it’s when we worship that invisible vapors go up and God opens up the heavens and sends His rain. Do you know the nine essential expressions of worship vapors in the Bible that are invisible vapors that create spiritual clouds of blessings in our life? Check out this message today!