
What The World Needs (Pt 5)

July 31, 2016

This world is in need of something-that will help them marvel at your faith. In this message, we will share 4 ways to actually help deliver more of what this world needs - people who spend time with Jesus!

All Aboard! (Pt 1)

July 3, 2016

God desires us to come aboard the ship he has for us called "friendship" - to go from isolation to insulation. With others we can conquer the storms of life!

How to Have a Great Summer Vacation (Pt 2)

July 10, 2016

God wants us to live at a pace that worrisome thoughts do not have time to settle. What's that pace? It includes a little Latin term called "Otium Sanctum!" In this message, learn how to live at a rhythm that will produce lasting fruit!

Fight or Flight (Pt 3)

July 17, 2016

Many times we want to lay back and take it easy, but God wants to help surround us with others to always to fight, finish and do it with deep faith!