
Lesson 8 Built to Last

June 23, 2022 • Jerry Dirmann

Lesson 8 – Built to Last
Welcome to this eighth and final lesson in the Jesus' Church group study. This study is intentionally designed to go through with a small group or house church, and you will need a few specific things before you begin. Please read below for more information (click more).

LESSON 8: Built to Last
This last week is a great lesson, as we look back on the entire Jesus' Church study, and each answer the important question, "what's next?" Got has GREAT things in store for you, are you ready?

What you'll need...

For this study you will need the study guide and your Bible. This guide includes the full lesson (lesson/teaching, group discussion questions, devotionals), and you can download the PDF at the link above.

This study is intended to be done with a small group and includes discussion questions and interactions. We are excited for what you will learn, not only individually, but as a group!

Also, if you are studying WITH KIDS, you can use the supplemental kids guide. This guide has been created by one of our BFAM Movements, and is available to download above.

While you don't "need" the BFAM App, we simply had to let you know about it, since it's one of the easiest ways to get this content. The entire Jesus' Church study, including this lesson, study guide, and discussion questions can all be found on the BFAM App, which you can download for free at the link above.

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