

Jerry Trousdale tells the story of watching 300 new believers getting baptized in a “very challenging Muslim region.” Baptism events like this had become regular occurrences in that area because God was saving thousands of Muslims through a Disciple Making Movement. Even so, they had to plan and facilitate these events with extreme secrecy for security reasons.
Jerry arrived before the baptism began and was watching a number of people make preparations. As he looked around he noticed, standing under a tree, a woman with a constant look of “happy anticipation.” She was clearly full of joy over the event, so he presumed that she would be involved somehow.
As time passed, and along with many other people, baptism candidates began arriving with “an unforgettable rising chorus of worship.” During the event when the new believers were being baptized and celebrated, Jerry looked a couple of times at the woman under the tree, expecting her to participate somehow, but she never did. She seemed content to rejoice over each baptism from the shade of the tree. He did notice a few people greeting her, but it seemed as though none of those being baptized knew who she was. After the people dispersed, Jerry finally asked someone who that woman was. Astonished, the person said, “Don’t you know? Without her none of this would have ever happened. She is Hadhi, the mother of the movement! This is more than a Disciple Making Movement, it is a prayer movement. And it all started a few years ago in her home when people began praying for us.” (Miraculous Movements, pages 47-48)
You see, God is ready to move! He wants to reach people much more than we do. That’s why He’s stirring our hearts, even now, to pray, and to call on Him to breathe on nations, regions, cities, and people all over the world. Movements––meaning moves of God––can neither be started nor sustained by human energy. Moves of God must be initiated and perpetuated by the Holy Spirit. However, the Holy Spirit moves in response to earnest, persistent and faith-filled prayer.
Will you be among those who start such prayer?

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