Get ready for an exciting, life-changing week of camp! We are back at Camp Anderson and we'll have the Emmanuel Conquest Team leading worship! This year for the first time ever we will end our week of camp on Saturday morning with a family service! All parents, pastors and leaders are invited to join us at 9:30am for our final worship service followed by Camp Awards! Click the link to get registered today! You don't want to miss it! CAMP PACKING LIST: • BIBLE • RE-USABLE WATER BOTTLE, LABELED WITH CAMPER'S NAME • COMFORTABLE SHOES • MODEST CLOTHES (no short shorts/skirts, no spaghetti strap tanks, no crop tops which show the waist/belly, no low-cut tops) • MODEST SWIM SUIT • TWIN BEDDING, SHEET, BLANKET, PILLOW AND PILLOW CASE • TOWELS, WASHCLOTHS • PERSONAL ITEMS, TOILETRIES • MONEY FOR SNACK SHACK PLEASE NOTE: Campers are not allowed to have their cellphones, tablets or other electronic devices.. If they bring them to camp they will need to turn them in at check-in where they will be secured until pick-up.