
Take Your Stand

March 27, 2022 • Doug Pittam

What are you standing for? What is so important to you that you’d take a stand, even if you were the only one to do so. What would you be willing to stand alone for?

More from Dream Bigger

What's Your Goal?

April 10, 2022 • Doug Pittam

It's challenging us to clarify what our goal in life is. We are reminded on Palm Sunday that Jesus' goal wasn't to enter Jerusalem to the cheers of people. That was nice and fleeting, but his goal wasn't for the applause of people, but for the applause of his Heavenly Father. His goal was to pay the price for our sins, and to free us from sin and death. His death and resurrection was his goal, so that our broken relationship with our Heavenly Father would be restored. So, in our lives, don't stop at the applause of the crowds, pursue the true calling God has placed on your life. That calling, that dream, will cost you all that you are. Great success takes great sacrifice. Keep going on towards your dream, it's beyond the expectations of the crowd. Live in the power of the risen Lord, don't settle for the cheers of the crowd. God has something better for you! There is the victory of the empty tomb we need to live in. Don't settle!


April 3, 2022 • Doug Pittam

What's Your Dream?

March 20, 2022 • Doug Pittam

What’s your dream? What do you want to accomplish, who do you want to become? Can you clearly articulate it? If not, then you’re probably not planning specifically how to get there.