
Week 7: Sampson

June 5, 2022 • Doug Pittam

It's about Samson. If my grandson was going to choose a hero from the Bible to pattern his life after, I'd steer him far away from the character of Samson. Samson's flaws can be wrapped up in three words: Women, women, women. He had three girlfriends and all of them were not quality choices. His anger issues flared up on a regular basis throughout his life, and it appears that the only Nazarite vow that he kept was "not cutting his hair". It has been said that a wise man learns from another person's mistakes; Samson learned from his own. However, it does appear that he finally learned that his strength was a gift from the Lord. A lesson that we learn from Samson is that, no matter our flaws, no matter our track record; when we call upon God with a sincere heart and pure faith, He hears our prayers. Even at the end of his life after he squandered what God had given him, God still heard his prayer and granted his request. Bottom line: God can use anyone.....anyone who is willing.

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