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Stewardship begins with Obedience, continues with Generosity, and ultimately leads to Sacrifice. Sacrifice is not something many people are really familiar with. Sacrifice does not ask, “What is required of me?” like Obedience does. It doesn’t ask, “How much can I give?” like Generosity does. Sacrifice asks, “How much can I give up?” In other words, “How much can I do without in order to meet the needs of others.”
In this lesson, the children will learn through the story of the widow’s sacrifice. They will learn how to to move up to the level of Sacrifice - giving up what we need so others can have what they need. Jesus was the prime example of Sacrifice. Our goal is to have the same attitude as Jesus - one that puts ME last and the Kingdom of God FIRST!
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Stewardship in the Kingdom of God is all about how we view and use the time, talent, and resources God has blessed us with. Learning to “Level Up” is all about growing in this area.
In this lesson, the children will learn about the very first level - Obedience. Obedience in our money and possessions starts with the tithe - giving 10% of our income to build the Kingdom of God. It is the starting point, not the ending point.
Through the story of Cain & Abel, the children will see how important it is to give God the “first fruits” of our income and labor. No matter how much or how little they make, the important thing is to be Obedient.
It’s not about giving a big amount, it is all about being OBEDIENT and giving the first 10% - the tithe - to God.
What Is Stewardship?
April 6, 2024 • SLAM
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“Stewardship” is a word we often hear in church, but it is rarely defined. Kids have no concept of what a “steward” is because this term is rarely used in our society anymore.
In this lesson, your kids will begin to understand what stewardship is all about and how it applies to our lives. They will learn through the Parable of the Talents how God has entrusted each of us with time, money, and talent.
How we use these assets determines how good of a steward we really are. Throughout this series, the children will be challenged to move up the stewardship Pyramid. They will learn the levels of obedience, generosity, and sacrifice and what it takes to move up each level.