
A WAY In A Manger

Christmas Weekend

December 23, 2023 • SLAM

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One of the most beloved Christmas songs of all time is “Away In A Manger.” It’s all about how “the little Lord Jesus” is softly sleeping in the manger while the cattle and sheep are quietly minding their own business nearby.


It doesn’t take a genius to know that the real manger scene was likely nothing like that. Animals are messy and loud. Mangers are dirty and gross. It is likely that the baby, Jesus, did not sleep a whole lot that first night. Jesus left Heaven to come to Earth going through all of that in order to make a way for us to get to Heaven. He endured the manger knowing that one day He would need to endure the cross and make a WAY for us.


Jesus is the WAY, the truth, and the life. In this lesson, the children will learn that Jesus is our WAY in a manger.