
Get In The Game

Serving In Ministry

January 6, 2024 • SLAM

Welcome to SLAM Online!

We have all been given certain talents and abilities. We are all different - with different personalities and gifts. However, we all are a part of the family of God - also known as the “body of Christ,” the Church. We must use what God has given us in order to build His Kingdom. We can’t compare ourselves to others; we must simply use what God has given US.

If we choose to sit on the sidelines and waste the talent and gifts God has blessed us with, we are not doing what pleases Him. And we are not doing our part to build His Church.

In today’s lesson, the children will learn to use what God has given them to build His Kingdom. They must make the important choice to “Get In The Game!”


Power Verse: “He also gave apostles, prophets, missionaries, as well as pastors and teachers...to prepare God’s people to serve and to build up the body of Christ.” - Ephesians 4:11, 12

Whatchagaddaknow: “I Will Get In The Game And Do My Part!”

Bible Story: The Apostles Get Some Help || Acts 6:1-7