
Jihadist Terror in Russia

June 25, 2024

Muslim terrorists killed at least 20 people and injured 46 others in an attack on synagogues, churches, and a police station in the Russian republic of Dagestan Sunday.

5) New report by UN-affiliated group finds no famine in Gaza; 4) Jihadis attack synagogues and churches in southern Russia; 3) Julian Assange on verge of finally becoming free man; 2) Federal judge rebukes White House for trying to require employers, including Roman Catholic dioceses, to facilitate abortion; 1) Irony: Billionaire Taylor Swift leads tens of thousands of fans in shouting, “F— the patriarchy!”

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The Friday Five: Biden Playing Both Sides in Israel-Hamas War

June 28, 2024

The US is slow-walking arms shipments to Israel while claiming to be Israel’s strongest supporter as President Biden tries to balance support in Jewish and Muslim communities in the upcoming election. 5) Hamas demands Israel’s withdrawal from Gaza as condition for ceasefire; 4) World war looms as Ukraine uses US weapons to strike inside Russia; 3) Julian Assange a free man; 2) Homeland Security considers people of faith, military, and Trump supporters potential violent extremists; 1) Washington Post argues that air pollution has caused global cooling while causing global warming. FOLLOW US! X: https://x.com/@watchskywatchtv | https://x.com/five_in_ten YouTube: https://youtube.com/@skywatchtelevision | https://youtube.com/@simplyhis | https://youtube.com/@fiveinten Rumble: https://rumble.com/skywatchtv Facebook: https://facebook.com/skywatchtv | https://facebook.com/simplyhis | https://facebook.com/edensessentials Instagram: https://instagram.com/skywatchtv | https://instagram.com/simplyhisshow | https://instagram.com/edensessentialsusa TikTok: https://tiktok.com/@skywatchtv | https://tiktok.com/@simplyhisshow | https://tiktok.com/@edensessentials https://skywatchtv.com | https://skywatchtvstore.com | https://edensessentials.com | https://whisperingponiesranch.com

US-Made Missile Hits Crimean Beach

June 27, 2024

A Ukrainian missile from a US-supplied ATACMS system hit a beach on the Crimean peninsula, annexed by Russia in 2014, with a cluster bomb Sunday, killing five and injuring dozens more. 5) Hamas rejects Biden’s ceasefire deal; 4) How will Russia respond to civilian casualties from US-made missile?; 3) Biden administration more radical on transgender surgery for children than outspoken trans activists; 2) Lego releases video Pride Month featuring LGBTQIA+ characters—and “furries”; 1) Food delivery drivers in New York City and Seattle see business crash because of city-imposed delivery fees.  FOLLOW US! X: https://x.com/@watchskywatchtv | https://x.com/five_in_ten YouTube: https://youtube.com/@skywatchtelevision | https://youtube.com/@simplyhis | https://youtube.com/@fiveinten Rumble: https://rumble.com/skywatchtv Facebook: https://facebook.com/skywatchtv | https://facebook.com/simplyhis | https://facebook.com/edensessentials Instagram: https://instagram.com/skywatchtv | https://instagram.com/simplyhisshow | https://instagram.com/edensessentialsusa TikTok: https://tiktok.com/@skywatchtv | https://tiktok.com/@simplyhisshow | https://tiktok.com/@edensessentials https://skywatchtv.com | https://skywatchtvstore.com | https://edensessentials.com | https://whisperingponiesranch.com

We Are the Face of Domestic Violent Extremism

June 26, 2024

The Department of Homeland Security last fall classified people with religious views, members of the military, and Trump supporters as extremists and potential terrorists. 5) Violent protests in Nairobi, Kenya; 4) Israel’s Supreme Court rules that Ultra-Orthodox men must be drafted into military; 3) Homeland Security wanted to classify political dissent as “public health” issue; 2) Trump, Biden campaigns collude with CNN to keep RFK, Jr. out of presidential debate; 1) Pro-Biden PAC spending $10 million to learn how to meme on social media.  FOLLOW US! X: https://x.com/@watchskywatchtv | https://x.com/five_in_ten YouTube: https://youtube.com/@skywatchtelevision | https://youtube.com/@simplyhis | https://youtube.com/@fiveinten Rumble: https://rumble.com/skywatchtv Facebook: https://facebook.com/skywatchtv | https://facebook.com/simplyhis | https://facebook.com/edensessentials Instagram: https://instagram.com/skywatchtv | https://instagram.com/simplyhisshow | https://instagram.com/edensessentialsusa TikTok: https://tiktok.com/@skywatchtv | https://tiktok.com/@simplyhisshow | https://tiktok.com/@edensessentials https://skywatchtv.com | https://skywatchtvstore.com | https://edensessentials.com | https://whisperingponiesranch.com