

Annual Defender Virtual Conference Announcement

September 29, 2024 • Joe Ardis Horn , Derek Gilbert, Donna Howell

The title of this year’s Defender Virtual Conference is “The Resurrection War,” inspired by the apostle Paul’s emphasis on the importance of the bodily resurrection of Jesus to our faith: “If in Christ we have hope in this life only, we are of all people most to be pitied.”

In other words, physical resurrection, and the promise that “we shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed,” is central to Christian theology—and we should focus on that regardless of what’s happening in the natural realm.

Hear from dozens of speakers such as:*

Carl Gallups

Carl Teichrib

Caspar McCloud

Col. David Giammona

Daniel Holdings

Doug Hamp

Doug Van Dorn

Dr. Igal German

Dr. Judd Burton

Dr. Mike Spaulding

Kenny Seay

Mark Scribner

Mondo De La Vega

Mondo Gonzales

Ryan Pitterson

Troy Anderson

Vicki Joy Anderson

Zev Porat

Derek Gilbert

Donna Howell

Joe Horn

Katherine Horn

Sharon K. Gilbert


Launch date: November 30, 2024

Access: 90 days from date of purchase (on or after Nov. 30; in other words, if people sign up after November 30, they still have 90 days access to all of the videos)

Conference schedule: None—viewers set their own schedule for what and when they watch

Information and registration: DefenderConference.com

Cost: $85 through November 15, 2024; $95 after

*Speakers are subject to change

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