
Christmas at the Hills

Best Gift Ever

December 24, 2023 • Pastor Brett Capaci • John 3:16

This week's sermon delves into the profound implications of God's redemptive love. Drawing from John 3:16 Pastor Brett unfolds the sacrificial nature of God's love and its redemptive power. God's love is not only salvific but also liberating, emphasizing a message of grace and forgiveness. Let's respond to this divine love with faith and gratitude, fostering a renewed sense of purpose and freedom as we reflect on this Christmas season.

Best Name Ever

December 17, 2023 • Pastor Brett Capaci • Matthew 1:20–21

The name "Jesus" holds profound significance in Christian theology, reflecting the central role of the person it represents. In the context of Matthew 1:21, where the angel instructs Joseph to name the child Jesus, the significance is clear – Jesus is destined to fulfill the role of the Savior, delivering humanity from the burden of sin. The name encapsulates the essence of Jesus' purpose on earth, embodying the redemptive and salvific mission that lies at the heart of Christian faith.

Best Birth Ever

December 10, 2023 • Pastor Brett Capaci • Luke 1:26–35, Luke 2:6–12

The birth of every baby among us is almost always a time of wonder, joy and celebration. And, in this season, we are in the midst of an annual birth celebration called Christmas—commemorating and celebrating the birth of the Christ Child, the Messiah, Jesus. This birth is celebrated, not just in a maternity ward somewhere, but in hearts and homes and churches all over the world! Surely, this was THE BEST BIRTH EVER! This week’s sermon examines, from God’s word, four reasons why this is absolutely true.

Best News Ever

December 3, 2023 • Pastor Brett Capaci • Matthew 1:18–23

Arguably the best news that has ever been received by broken, hurting, God-dependent people like all of us, is that God, in the form of Jesus, came to earth and dwelt among us, ultimately that He might save us! This week’s message kicks off a 4-week Christmas series at our Summerlin Campus that we’re calling “The Best Christmas Ever.” This first sermon talks about the best news ever—that a perfect God came down to us as a human man. Our Savior (while not abandoning His deity) embraced humanity. He loves us and He knows us and He understands us.