
His Miraculous Birth

December 22, 2019 • Pastor Seth Amador

We reached our final installment of our series leading up to Jesus' Miraculous Birth. God had prepared a way for His Son through miraculous events. God uses the foolish things to shame the wise, the weak things to shame the strong to give God all the glory. Find out how this fits in to Jesus birth!

His Prophesied Birth

December 15, 2019 • Pastor Jim Amador

In part three of our series Pastor Jim discusses how the birth of Jesus was prophesied hundreds of years before His birth. The prophesies are so specific such as His extensive lineage, the exact town of his birth, a virgin birth and much more! We conclude that the Word of God is indeed divinely inspired beyond of the intellect of man, and the first coming of Jesus changed the world. Jesus in the flesh is Emmanuel - God with us!

The Fulfillment of Time

December 8, 2019 • Pastor Seth Amador

Why did Jesus come when He did? Was there anything special about the timing of His first coming? Join us as we study the 400 silent years between Malachi and Matthew where no prophet spoke and no author was moved by the Spirit to add to the cannon. But just because God was silent doesn't mean He was inactive.

Why do we need a Savior?

December 1, 2019 • Pastor Jim Amador

Pastor Jim kicks off our new series taking a look at different aspects of Jesus' first coming. Why did Jesus need to come in the first place? Our own sinful nature has separated us from communion with God. He promised us a Savior, but this Savior is unlike who we would expect to see. An average looking man, born of a woman, from a lowly town but greater than those before Him. This man is Jesus - God in the flesh - sent to save us from our sins.