

Sunday Series Book of Genesis

Genesis 50

Panel (David Correa, Lalo Flores, Gil & Cynthia Ortiz)

Genesis 49

David Correa

The God of BMWs? (God's Blessings, God's Majesty, God's Ways)

Genesis 48 - David Correa

Rich Towards God

Genesis 47 - Gil Ortiz

The God of Generations

Gen 46 - David Correa

Beautiful Disaster

Genesis 45 - David Correa

Fugitives of Love

Genesis 44 - Panel Conference

How to deal with Life?

Genesis 43 - David Correa

Master Tactician

Genesis 41 - Lalo Flores

Growing Down

Genesis 40 - Cynthia Ortiz

Grace that goes on and on and on ...

Genesis 38 - David Correa

It had to happen that way

Genesis 37 - David Correa

The Fight of your Life

Genesis 36 - David Correa

Just Like Jacob

Genesis 35 - Gil Ortiz

Imperfect People In The Hands of a Perfect God

Genesis 34 - David Correa