
Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

December 25, 2020

From Fear to Faith // Isaiah 7:1-14

November 29, 2020 • Pastor Rob

What do you fear? It's probably safe to say that all of us are dealing with some form of fear right now. As we go into the Advent Season, the prophet Isaiah is calling us to look up from fear and to put our trust and faith in God. He knows we are weak, so he’s even given us a sign. I pray this message from Isaiah 7:1-14 will help move you from fear to faith!

From Darkness to Light // Isaiah 9:1-7

December 6, 2020 • Pastor Rob

"But there will be no gloom for her who was in anguish..." This is how our passage for today begins. Isaiah ministered during a dark time in the nation of Judah. Yet into the midst of that darkness comes light. It's kind of God's thing to bring us from darkness into light, from sorrow into joy, and from bondage into freedom. He does this through the coming of the child King who will reign with justice and righteousness forevermore. Once again Isaiah helps us understand the advent of our Lord.

From Sorrow to Song // Isaiah 11:1-11; 12:1-6

December 13, 2020 • Pastor Rob

In our third Sunday in Advent, we'll consider how the coming of Jesus moves us from sorrow to song. Isaiah gives a word of hope about the coming King to Israel. But he doesn't end with just a call to believe the truth, but rather he ends with a call to sing the truth. This morning's passage takes us into rich truths about Jesus and the need to cement those truths in our hearts with song.