
OCT 1 - Sun

2 Corinthians 4:6, Malachi 4:1–2, Psalm 84:11, Revelation 1:16, Psalm 31:16

GO Sunny October days, when the weather is a little crisp and cool, are the perfect time to go outdoors and let the sun shine on your face. Closing your eyes and feeling its warm rays on your face is a glorious experience, but it is also a meaningful experience for believers. Take some time to go outside and consider the emblematic (symbolic) aspects of the sun. RELATED WORDS: Sunshine

OCT 2 - Acorns

Isaiah 61:1–3, Isaiah 44:14, Amos 2:9, Matthew 13:31–32, Genesis 1:29

Have you ever taken the cap of an acorn and used it to whistle? Every fall I attempt it, sometimes with limited success, and other times I am surprised by how potent a sound comes from this small little piece of God’s creation. Have you ever tried to spin an acorn like a top? It is not easy but fun to try. Go search for an acorn in the woods today, use it to whistle or as a top, then take some time to consider this seed, this “fruit”, of an oak tree.

OCT 8 - Autumn Leaves

Psalm 71:17–18, Isaiah 34:4, Jeremiah 8:13, Psalm 71:9

The splendor of the autumn leaves are breathtaking and unfortunately too short-lived. Do not miss the opportunity to hike, bike, run, or take a drive to see the fall colors. Last year our family specifically set aside time during the peak of the colors to get out in God's creation for an afternoon to enjoy the vivid beauty of the leaves. Take some time to stop and revel in the loveliness of the season and to contemplate the glorious ways that leaves speak of God's handiwork.

OCT 15 - Thorns

Mark 15:17, John 19:2–5, Genesis 3:18, 2 Corinthians 12:7, Matthew 27:29

GO Hit the trail today! Go bike or hike and keep your eyes out for thorns. While you won't want to engage them too closely, thorns are a very worthwhile created element for meditation. Hunting in particular seems to always results in an encounter with thorns. I don't think there is any way for me to get to any of my tree stands without passing through some thorn bushes.

OCT 18 - Mountain Sunrise

Psalm 19

I have a regular habit of going to see sunrises from a mountain lookout nearby our home. I often take others with me. Hunting season also provides opportunities to enjoy the sunrise from a deer stand. Regardless of whether you live near a mountain, find a good spot near your home to observe the early morning sunrises. Occasionally make a habit of waking up early enough to see the sunrise on clear mornings. Dress warmly, take your Bible with you, use the "Do Your Own Sunrise Meditation" provided, and engage some creation meditation. Alternatively, in order to stay warm, find a spot to park your car and watch the sunrise. You won't regret it. The rising of the morning sun is truly a glorious sight that can direct your mind toward, and warm your heart with, your Maker's glory.