
APR 1 - Palms / Palm Tree (Palm Sunday)

RECREATION: Beach walking, biking

Leviticus 23:40, 1 Kings 6:29–35, Psalm 92:12–15, John 12:13, Revelation 7:9–12

This Sunday is Palm Sunday. For many Christians this Sunday will include palm branches as a part of their worship service. Palm branches and palm trees are biblical emblems spoken of on a number of occasions in the Scriptures. As a means of preparing for Palm Sunday and understanding it rightly, take some time this week to explore more deeply the biblical emblematic meaning of palm branches and palm trees. The month of April also begins many people's annual trips to the beach for spring or summer breaks. Vacations are the perfect time to sit and meditate upon God's creation. Set aside some time to consider palms and palm trees.

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APR 8 - Solar Eclipse (2024)

Luke 23:44–46, Mark 15:33–34, Psalm 82:5, Psalm 88:11–12, Revelation 1:16

This afternoon is the solar eclipse. In the area where I live, we will not see a total eclipsing of the sun, but just four to five hours away in places like Cleveland, OH and Rochester, NY, if the skies are clear, they will witness a total solar eclipse. What an opportunity for some creation meditation! Plan to use the guided meditation link below to enhance your experience of and guide your biblical meditation of this solar event. If you are reading this on April 9th, after the eclipse yesterday, then enjoy the devotional provided from my meditations of this solar eclipse.

APR 22 - Migrating Birds

Jeremiah 8:7, Song of Songs 2:11–12, Ezekiel 7:16

It is springtime and the birds are making their bi-annual journey. They are migrating north to find mates, to breed, and to reach their preferred climate for the season. What migrating birds immediately come to mind that are common to your area? Some of the birds are just passing through and some are spring and summer residents. Take some time in the next couple weeks to observe the birds and to learn to identify some new species that you could not name before (see the all about birds link below for an identification tool). Remember, you do not truly value what you cannot name.

APR 30 - Eagles

Isaiah 40:27–31, Exodus 19:4, Deuteronomy 32:11, Job 39:27, Psalm 103:5

Seeing a bald eagle is likely not a common occurrence for you. Yet, spotting the infamous white head and tail in the air is a glorious moment. My spirit soars every time I am privileged enough to observe a bald eagle in flight. The eagle is mentioned about thirty times in the Scriptures. So, it is well worth our time to meditate upon this noble bird. Job implores us to ask the birds that they might tell us something about God and his ways (Job 12:7-9). Jesus said, "Consider the ravens" (Luke 12:24) and "Look at the birds of the air" (Matthew 6:26). Today, we may or may not be privileged enough to look at eagles, but we can consider them.