
MAY 19 - Paths / Trails

RECREATION: Hiking, Biking, Horseback Riding

Psalm 23:1–4, Psalm 119:104–105, Micah 4:1–2, Acts 2:28, Matthew 3:2–3

More often than not, we consider destinations as the purpose for paths, for instance the summit of a mountain or the lake at the end of a trail. Today, I encourage you to make the path your destination. Delight in the path and the meditative journey on the trail itself. Let the path be the object of your contemplation, may God be the object of your worship, and may the Scriptures be the means to understand God's purpose for the paths of life he has led you to travel. Paths are the perfect element of creation to ponder God's providence over the circumstances of our lives.

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MAY 1 - Rain Showers

Hosea 6:3, Zechariah 9:17—10:1, Ezekiel 34:25–29, Isaiah 45:8, Matthew 7:27

Rain can often discourage us from going outdoors in the spring. Cold wet clothing is not an appealing prospect. Yet, getting out in the wet weather is good for us. It is good for us to engage discomfort, if for no other reason than to remind us that life is not about ease and comfort. Little boys and girls are not put off by a little rain, they delight to jump in puddles with no thought to how soaked they might get. So, get out in the rain this week and ponder all that God has to teach us through these raindrops falling from the sky.

May 31 - Ocean

Isaiah 57:20–21, Psalm 46:2–10, Psalm 65:5–8, Psalm 89:8–10, Revelation 19:6

Early May has typically been when our family has escaped to the beach. As a summer camp director, June, July, and August are not options. Does your family go on a summer beach trip? Take some time to engage this meditation on the ocean while you are at the beach this summer. You might consider doing other beach related meditations that are posted in other months on this app - like sand, palm trees, and a beach sunrise. I hope you have a truly restful vacation.

For More Meditations See The Recent Posts in March & April

At least one new creation meditation will be added every month. Currently, there are meditations available in every month of the year. We encourage you to join the adventure by taking the time to go outdoors and do one creation meditation a month.