
Jesus Calling!

May 9, 2021 • Pastor Mark Wilson • Isaiah 55

A Personal Invitation to Life (v. 1–5)
Those who want it will be ________________. (v. 1a)
Those who can’t afford it will get it for ___________. (v. 1b-2)
Those who come will stay ________________. (v. 3-5)

A Conditional Opportunity to Respond (v. 6–9)
It requires an immediate _______________. (v. 6)
It requires a complete _________________. (v. 7a)
It requires a divine ___________________. (v. 7b-9)

A Miraculous Work of the Word (v. 10–13)
It is _________________. (v. 10-11a)
It is _________________. (v. 11b)
It is _________________. (v. 11c)
It is _________________. (v. 11d)
To bring _________ and peace (v. 12a)
To cause ______________ (v. 12b)
To change _____________ (v. 13a)
To be a _______________ (v. 13b)