Ministers often hear and share about the burdens of ministry. But how about the blessings of ministry? Serving Christ in his church is a blessing and a joy. In this episode, we reflect on and celebrate some of the many blessings of ministering in the local church.
Working for a Difficult Pastor
September 1, 2022
Personality differences, leadership styles, insecurities, and other factors often make the church work space difficult to navigate. Even in these seasons, associate staff can either hinder or accelerate the church's ministry model.
10 Common Mistakes Small Group Leaders Make
August 18, 2022
Leading a small group, or leading those who lead small groups? Here are 10 common mistakes small group leaders make and some ideas for correcting them toward maximizing success in this very important ministry of the local church.
Why and How to Develop a Women's Ministry
August 4, 2022
SBTC Women's Ministry Associate Laura Taylor joins the podcast to discuss unique challenges and opportunities in the development of an effective women's ministry model in your local church.
Reaching, Raising, and Releasing Men
July 21, 2022
Local churches must be intentional about investing in men, encouraging and equipping them to rise to the occasion of leadership at home, at church, at work, and in the culture at large.
Stewardship Development (with Bart McDonald)
July 7, 2022
In making disciples of Jesus, have we, as church leaders, neglected the area of stewardship development? In this episode, Tony and Jeff talk through stewardship development in the local church with special guest Bart McDonald, Executive Director of the Southern Baptists of Texas Foundation.
Planning For Succession (with Will Heath)
June 23, 2022
Is pastoral succession planning just for mega churches? The conversation around pastoral succession planning is enlarging today, in a healthy way. In this episode, Tony and Jeff are joined by Will Heath to discuss the topic of succession planning in the local church.
Regenesis (with Anthony Svajda)
June 9, 2022
Wouldn’t this be a great time to “reset” as churches and leaders? On this episode, Tony and Jeff are joined by special guest, Dr. Anthony Svajda, to discuss the new SBTC revitalization strategy, “Regenesis,” and how churches can participate and see their churches revitalized to the glory of God.
Reaching Families with Special Needs
May 26, 2022
Have you ever considered that an unreached people group in your community is those families who have children with special needs? Sandra Peoples, Special Needs Consultant with the SBTC, joins us for this episode with some statistics about this people group and how to reach and serve these families in your community.
Identity and Church Leadership
May 12, 2022
Who am I? How does your answer to that question affect your leadership in the church? In today’s episode Tony and Jeff discuss finding your identity in the Lord of the work and not in the work of the Lord.
7 Common Growth Barriers
April 7, 2022
While numerical growth is not the standard measure of success for a church, it is generally part of the overall goal. Today, Tony and Jeff reveal 7 common growth barriers for a local church and offer some thoughts on how to break through them in a healthy, biblical way.
Discipleship Programs vs. Discipleship Pathways
March 24, 2022
What is a discipleship pathway and how does it differ from discipleship programs? Phil Todd joins Dr. Wolfe in this episode to ask 5 important questions toward developing a contextualized discipleship pathway for your local church.
Principles for Effective Small Group Bible Teaching
March 10, 2022
Teaching the Bible in small group settings is one of the most rewarding and impactful opportunities of kingdom service a church member can enjoy. Today, SBTC’s Phil Todd joins Dr. Wolfe to discuss practical ways to keep the small group teaching environment meaningful, engaging and interactive.
Resolving Conflict In Your Ministry Team
February 24, 2022
Even on church leadership teams, sharp disagreements can present a challenge. Personality conflicts, disagreement over best practices, and secondary factors all make team cooperation difficult, even when the best intentions are shared. Today, Tony and Jeff discuss best practices for conflict resolution within your ministry team.
Rhythms of Rest
February 10, 2022
Jesus told us to come unto him and He would give us “rest.” Are we, as church leaders, experiencing the kind of rest Jesus offered? And are we setting the example for those we lead? In this episode, Tony and Jeff discuss rhythms of rest for church leaders.